What I Read Wednesday – August 19, 2015

me bookHappy Hump Day everyone!

Recently it has come to my attention that I am breezing through more books than I could possibly write about. There are numerous books that I read that I do not post on my blog about, why? Well I am not sure why, but probably because there is not enough time to write about all of them. Often write about ones that I love, that fit my book challenge or have been sent to me for a review but there are plenty that will never be mentioned on this blog. Sorry books that appear to be unloved but they are so loved! With that in mind I wanted to devote Wednesday’s to talk about what I am currently reading, what books I have finished, what I am planning on reading next, and hopefully bring attention to books that may not get mentioned or written about before. I have also been fighting a terrible cold, so the creative juices are not flowing as smoothly as they normally would be due to all the medication I am on. Anyways, enough of my rambling, here is what I am reading:

Currently reading:

Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour (YA, Fiction); I like it so far, will probably write about in a collaboration post of all the YA books I have read recently. There are A LOT!

The Good Shufu by Tracy Slater (Nonfiction, Memoir): I am already really enjoying this book, but I am only 20 pages in. It is pretty heavy, but just beautiful so I am taking my time reading it. Will most likely write a post? Not sure…

Just finished: 

Thoreau in the Phantom Bog by B.B. Oak (Mystery/Thriller, Fiction): I probably wont write a review on this book. It was mediocre and I was hoping it was going to be better than it was. It was as you would put it ” Meh…”, neither good nor bad, it was just bland. I kept reading it hoping something exciting would happen but nope, just a boring straight and narrow book.

The Sisters of Versailles by Sally Christie (Historical, Fiction): You all know by now how much I love historical fiction. It is my favorite genre and something I gravitate to often and this book was no exception. I loved it and will be posting a review about it soon!

TBR (To Be Read): 

A Curious Beginning  by Deanna Raybourn (Mystery/Romance, Fiction)

Suddenly Mr. Darcy  by Jenetta James (Fiction)

There you have it! A little look-see as to what is on my reading list for the next week or so. If you are also interested in a book haul or seeing books I have received or bought recently, let me know and I can do a post on that too!

Hope everyone is having a great week so far! Almost to the weekend! What is everyone reading right now? Let a comment below what you are currently enjoying!

Happy reading!

2 thoughts on “What I Read Wednesday – August 19, 2015

  1. I was a little disappointed in A Curious Beginning, but loved Tasha Alexander’s new Lady Emily! I haven’t written the review yet, but it was a great addition to the series. 🙂


    1. Oh my gosh I love the Lady Emily books, which is why I asked to review A Curious Beginning… that is sad to hear it wasn’t as good but will give it a go anyways. I love Tasha Alexander books, each book is just better than the one before it! So good! Glad to find a fellow Lady Emily Fan! : )


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